solutions Overview

One of the things that sets PMWeb apart is its all in one ease of use. A single sign on, with integrated data a drill down data at all points, allows complex projects be managed easily from a desktop, laptop or on the go on tablet of phone. PMWeb caters for all stages of development and management. it is designed to help your work, not to become your work. Please see below for details. 

Solutions and Modules

Please see below for the breakdown of the modules available in PMWeb and the various kinds of businesses who use it. Remember, you need only buy the modules that are right for your industry, and can add on more if your needs change.


Used for any or all of the above, the real power os PMWeb lies in int integration of all data within the software. For example, conceptual estimates can be rolled over into bid and construction documents saving time and cost.

Product Modules

Choose only the modules you need for your work, or vertically integrate them all as necessary. If your work doesn't involve asset management, then you shouldn't have to buy it. Flexibility at all levels is a hallmark of PMWeb.